Birds and Animals
Below is a list of some of the seabirds and other animals that habit the waters around Brier Island.
Look out for these on your tour!
Black Guillemots | Great Blue Herons | Petrels |
Cormorants | Gulls | Phalaropes |
Eagles | Jaegers | Puffins |
Eider Ducks | Kittiwakes | Razorbills |
Fulmars | Loons | Shearwaters |
Gannets | Murres | Skuas |
Grebes | Ospreys | Terns |

Other Animals Encountered:
Basking Sharks | Harbour Seals | Schooling Herring |
Bluefin Tuna | Ocean Sunfish | Sea Turtles |
Gray Seals | Plankton | Swarms of Krill |