Whale Sightings
Most Cetaceans are absent from these waters in winter. In the spring the Finback Whales, Minke Whales and Harbor Porpoises are the first to arrive. In June, Humpback Whales can be sighted arriving from the breeding grounds in the Caribbean Sea.
By late June, Humpbacks become more abundant, and Whitesided Dolphins are seen more often. By mid-July all five species are commonly sighted and remain in the area until late fall.
In the past we have documented sightings of Whitesided Dolphins, Pilot, Beluga, Sei, Sperm Whales and Orcas.
Sightings of the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale have recently become rare with the transition of this species to the Gulf of St. Lawrence where their prey is more prevalent.
Our trips have been very successful: it is a rare day that we do not see whales. The whales are here; it is the weather that does not always co-operate. We do, however, guarantee sightings, and if no whales are sighted, we will offer free passes, there will be no refunds. ( Subject to Captain’s discretion )
Each cruise is an opportunity to observe first-hand some of the largest and rarest animals that have ever lived. We are here to observe and record their behavior, not to harass them. They are wild animals in their natural environment. Fantastic displays or close approaches to the boat are special moments, but are entirely up to the whales.
The quality of the trip often depends upon the weather. Generally, it is quite mild, with warm days and cool nights. But sea breezes are common on Brier Island and it is a rare day that warm clothing is not needed on a cruise. Dressing warmly is very important.
Fog is common in the Bay of Fundy, patchy fog can still allow whale watching, while dense widespread fog can make it impossible. Still, some of our best trips have come on foggy days! We reserve the right to cancel a trip because of weather but will not do so unless absolutely necessary, usually at the last minute because conditions can change very quickly. (Wind and fog together will usually cancel a trip.) We advise passengers with reservations to call ahead to obtain an updated weather outlook.
For further information, please contact our offices at
Visit our facebook page for the latest whale sightings, bird sightings and other important information.
Now with some great images of recent sightings.